Useful modules for writing tool scripts (opts, Config::Pit and Script::State)


use opts;

opts is a command-line options parser written by Fushihara, Kan.

Getopt::Long is not bad but opts is very simple and feeling nice.

use opts;

opts (
	my $force  => 'Bool',
	my $foobar => { isa => 'Str', default => 'baz' },


use Config::Pit;

Config::Pit is a management module of configurations written by me.

This module provides get or set global configuration by easy way, mainly for public scripts which access web services with authentication.

use Config::Pit;

## If the fields are not set, open setting by $EDITOR automatically.
my $config = pit_get("", require => {
	"username" => "your username on example",
	"password" => "your password on example"

## And you can use $config->{username}, $config->{password}
my $client = Example::API->new(
	username => $config->{username},
	password => $config->{password}

The first parameter of pit_get is typically the domain of a web service, so configuration is set once and can be re-used by other scripts.

use Script::State;

Script::State is a useful hack for saving script states written by Motemen.

use Script::State;

## Define state variable
script_state my $last_timestamp = 0;

my $res = $ua->get('' . $last_timestamp);
if ($res->is_success) {
	my $data = decode_json $res;
	for my $entry (@{ $data->{entries} }) {

	## Update state
	$last_timestamp = $data->{entries}->[0]->{timestamp};
} else {
	die $res->status_line;

Script::State saves the state variable before the program exits, and restores it on next time.

