How to run MovableType with Plack
Hello, this is typester. I'm now creating website with MTOS, but I'm using nginx as web server that doesn't support CGI. But no worry about that. Now we have Plack!
This article shows you how to setup MovableType with Plack. Let's get started.
- Plack 0.9952+
- Starlet or Starman
- MovableType or MTOS (MTOS-5.04, I confirmed)
At first, make sure your Plack version is higher than 0.9952, otherwise some MT scripts will cause pipe dead lock.
Write mt.psgi
Then write psgi script like following:
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Plack::Builder; use Plack::App::URLMap; use Plack::App::WrapCGI; use Plack::App::Directory; my $basedir = dirname(__FILE__); my $map = Plack::App::URLMap->new; $map->map('/mt-static', Plack::App::Directory->new({ root => "$basedir/mt-static" })); my @scripts = qw( mt.cgi mt-atom.cgi mt-upgrade.cgi mt-add-notify.cgi mt-check.cgi mt-comments.cgi mt-feed.cgi mt-tb.cgi mt-xmlrpc.cgi mt-wizard.cgi ); for my $script (@scripts) { $map->map("/${script}", Plack::App::WrapCGI->new( script => "$basedir/${script}", execute => 1 )->to_app); } my $app = $map->to_app;
Save this psgi file as mt.psgi to same directory for mt.cgi.
@fujiwara wrote more simple .psgi script using Plack::App::CGIBin.
Run it!
$ plackup -s Starlet -a mt.psgi
(or "-s Starman")
Then you can access MT setup wizard at !
More clean URLs
I dislike URLs contains .cgi like "mt.cgi" or "mt-comments.cgi". Let's make more clean URL!
Fix mt.psgi like following:
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Plack::Builder; use Plack::App::URLMap; use Plack::App::WrapCGI; use Plack::App::Directory; my $basedir = dirname(__FILE__); my $map = Plack::App::URLMap->new; $map->map('/mt-static', Plack::App::Directory->new({ root => "$basedir/mt-static" })); my %apps = ( app => 'mt.cgi', atom => 'mt-atom.cgi', upgrade => 'mt-upgrade.cgi', 'add-notify' => 'mt-add-notify.cgi', check => 'mt-check.cgi', comments => 'mt-comments.cgi', feed => 'mt-feed.cgi', search => 'mt-search.cgi', tb => 'mt-tb.cgi', xmlrpc => 'mt-xmlrpc.cgi', wizard => 'mt-wizard.cgi', ); while (my ($path, $script) = each %apps) { $map->map("/mt/${path}", Plack::App::WrapCGI->new( script => "$basedir/${script}", execute => 1 )->to_app); } my $app = $map->to_app;
And also add following configs to mt-config.cgi:
ActivityFeedScript feed AdminScript app AtomScript atom CheckScript check CommentScript comments NotifyScript add-notify SearchScript search TrackbackScript tb UpgradeScript upgrade XMLRPCScript xmlrpc
Then you can access instead of .
That's it!
Thanks for reading.